Mittwoch, 20. Juli 2011

about 60.000 sentences to keep your code

This app gives you a simple phrase - that's very easy to remember. If you need your PIN code just use the letters of the number pad to enter your code.

For example: imagine you try to remember your PIN code: 7-6-8-4 keePINcode will give you this phrase helping to keep that code in mind: "Please mind the gap." Whenever you need the code, maybe to unlock your phone or at the ATM just press the buttons with these numbers P-M-T-G and your PIN code will be entered.
If you don't like this phrase (maybe if you have never been to London) you can get a different one pressing the new button on the left.

You don't need to write down your codes, you even don't need your mobile device every time. 

Just save your codes in your brain - very easy and perfectly protected.

1 Kommentar:

  1. When I read about this guy I was happy to own that app on my phone:

    My pin code is safed in my brain... rofl.
